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George Winter’s three imaginary lines are also known as the WAR lines. They are used to detect the position and depth of an impacted 3rd molar 1. The 1st imaginary line is the Winter's white line which tells us about the inclination of the impacted 3rd molar. The white line is drawn on the IOPA along the erupted molars and extended posteriorly. George Winter’s three imaginary lines are also known as the WAR lines. They are used to detect the position and depth of an impacted 3rd molar. In case of the disto-angular impaction the line on the 3rd molar converges to meet the white line anterior to the 3rd molar. In case of mesioangular impaction the line on the 3rd molar converges to meet the white line posterior to the 3rd molar. In the vertically impacted tooth the white line is parallel to the line drawn on the occlusal surface of the 3rd molar. 2. The 2nd imaginary line, the AMBER, is drawn along the shadow of the external oblique ridge that is lying dist...

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